heaven colour water shadows pulsation harmony of world the truth prose of life poetry Petersburg mirrors 2000

Look at this world

We are surrounded by the everyday life and grieving by deals and problems. The Soul becomes the dim. We do not see any paints of world, do not hear singing the birds.

We are given by God all that necessary for existance. We do not need other eyes to see this world. We are drops in ocean of being, we carry all colours and sounds of this world inside our souls, and only illusion of division make us not to notice true Life. We need only small light inside our souls, we need only clear insights to see heaven colour and water shadows, to sensation pulsation of surrounded lifes. It is a first steps of way to harmony, to awareness of Truth.

I sometimes think what the creative task of the person with the camera is, as seen by him. For someone it is a way to depict the appearance of a modern world and a man in detail, using a perfect engineering "to improve" slightly an image in favour of a customer. For someone it is a way to express his perception of the world, having distorted the appearance of the surrounding world and having given it fantastic and unrecognisable features with the help of achievements of photo engineering. For me the essence of photography is to depict the perfect harmony, which is poured out on us from the ambient nature and shows itself in the majestic pictures of the sky, and in a small-sized, not always noticeable things - like branches, webs, leaves, birds. The state of mood, which I experience, being in the countryside with the camera in hands, could be called some kind of meditation. A person, stranding in a forest, can admire subtle states of nature, but his thoughts early or late, this way or another dissolve in the business of the day. The photographer looking at a leave or a flower through the range finder, focuses on their shape, on their variability in miscellaneous lighting, on an angle, at which their shape appears perfect or exotic. I have noticed, that my state of mood quite often is transmitted to the people, who look at my photographs, - they experience some kind of calmness and delight - not with photos, but with the surrounding world. I think that my activity is rewarded, when a person, having seen snapshots, starts to look at the sky, to pay attention to the perfect shape of a living world, located around of us, or extracts a camera from a larder being deserted there for a long time.

I search publishers and all people with awakening souls and with ability to see a beauty of this world


Julia Sorokina

Many thanks to Govindanandananda Dasa for perfection of plain applet on this page.

© when use the material pages a reference to author of photogaphs is obligatory, notice of author about use - advisable

© All photos and texts by Julia Sorokina

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